
As part of my college career, I am currently taking Intro to Photography. It is a time consuming and expensive course but I am rather enjoying it. I have created numerous prints already this semester, so I am devoting an entire page to what I have accomplished in my photography class.

I've organized the prints I've made according to the assignments we were given.
Click on the image to see the larger picture.


stained glass pumpkin candle-holder, photo plant and lamp, photo coffee cup, photo in a bookstore, photo rock in the snow, photo
candle burning, photo bottles, photo light coming into lounge, photo Pat at the beach, photo


the library reading room, photo never ending bookshelves, photo my mom, photo toilet in a huge bathroom, photo table and chair, photo drain, photo Daria's feet, photo stairs in the library, photo my dad, photo old tree stump, photo


Kim, photo clock, photo splash, photo skateboard, photo chalkboard, photo dead seagull, photo passing time, photo street at night in Cambridge, photo two dogs fighting, photo oops, photo

and some for my friends' band:

Kevin, photo Kim and Kevin, photo the band, photo

The Seaside, final project in process

I am beginning to try out prints for final project. I have decided to have my subject as the seaside. I have many more ideas, more experimental ones as well.
crashing wave, photo stormy seascape, photo wave washing on shore, photo
a series of photos
My prof wants to see more pictures like these:
small rock, photo wet rocks, photo seaweed, photo my feet, photo
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